Q: Why is your lawn green when all the others are not?
A: It’s so green because it is seeded with tttf cool season turf (ARTIMUSS) and isn’t dormant like the common Bermuda lawns.
NOW a great way to lock in your winter color is using EarthWorks for Home Replenish For Your Lawn as your winterizer fertilizer! What I have witnessed here personally with the 8-2-2 as my winterizer application, the turf stays green later into the year and is the first to green up the following spring, giving me that green edge on the neighborhood..
Q: What is your go to for a starter fertilizer?
A: I have had phenomenal success with triple 3 https://www.earthworks4home.com/product/ew4h-replenish-for-your-gardens/ any time I am planning anything with roots, grass seed, sod, trees, flowers, or my garden plants.. We love to grow our own vegetables here and the fact that triple 3 is 100% organic makes me feel better about feeding the harvest to my family!
Q: Why did you stop spraying molasses by itself ?
A: Because the Garden liquid (Sea3) https://www.earthworks4home.com/product/ew4h-liquid-fertilizer-for-your-gardens-2-pack/ has everything I need in one jug my humic acid, molasses, kelp, worm tea, Fish and sea water! So now, instead of buying five or six different products, I just have one!
Q: Can I spray the EarthWorks For Home liquid products in a backpack sprayer ?
A: Absolutely these are full concentrated products the same as the professionals use! just now conveniently packaged for the homeowner and can be applied with a backpack sprayer, ride on sprayer or a skid sprayer.
Lawn liquid (14-2-5) https://www.earthworks4home.com/product/ew4h-liquid-fertilizer-for-your-lawn-2-pack/
Garden liquid (Sea3) https://www.earthworks4home.com/product/ew4h-liquid-fertilizer-for-your-gardens-2-pack/
Q: how long should I wait to soil test after granular fertilization application ?
A: 6 weeks we do not want to pick up any of the granular’s because that will skew the soil test results especially if you don’t have irrigation or rainfall.. https://www.earthworks4home.com/product/soil-test-kit/
Q: why do you prefer the Earth works 4 home soil test over others ?
A: I want a professional lab testing my soil with the ( Mehlich III method ) not resin test like most online test!
With the EW4H test I get results on pH, organic matter, base saturation, total exchange capacity, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium boron, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and aluminum! all for $29.95 https://www.earthworks4home.com/product/soil-test-kit/ this kit includes instructions, soil collection bag and prepaid return shipping envelope.